domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010


Curs 2010-11
Com sabeu, cada curs hi ha una lectura obligatòria. Els titols d'aquest curs són els següents:

As you know, there is a compulsory reading each year. The titles for this course are the following:

1 ESO: Paul Shipton, Vampire Killer. Oxford Bookworms. Starter.

2 ESO: Helen Brooke, Mystery in London.Oxford Bookworms. Starter.

3 ESO: The Meaning of Gifts. Oxford Bookworms. Stage 1.

4 ESO: O Henry, New Yorkers. Oxford Bookworms. Stage 2.

1 BATX: Various titles

2 BATX: Tim Vicary, The Brontë Stories. Oxford Bookworms. Stage 3

Les vostres professores us diran quan hi ha que llegir-los i com s'avaluaran.

Your teacher will tell you when to read it and how they will be assessed. 

And remember that you can always make other voluntary readings. If you fill the Reading File, your mark can improve!

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