sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

On 8th March we celebrate the International Women's Day.
The theme this year is "Pledge for Parity" ("Compromiso por la Paridad).
You will be doing activities related to the women issue in different groups and levels.
The students in 4th ESO are prepearing  a "memory card game" with some prominent women. To fulfill the task, if you are a 4 ESO student, you must use this link:

Women Memory Card Game

This is a English project together with Arts, so some of you have already chosen on great women from history to draw their portraits, but other still have to choose one.

There have been many great women in history and they have worked in many different fields, although history has not recognized them until recently. This is a short selection of possibilities. Choose one of them to complete the memory game.

We'll show everybody the outcomes, when we finish! 

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