sábado, 1 de enero de 2011


  1. Pronoms personals: Exercise 1, 2, 3
  2. Verbs be (Affimative, Negativei have got (Affirmative, Negative).
  3. Articles: a, an, the. (Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4)
  4. Pronoms demostratius
  5. Pronoms interrogatius: List, Exercise 1, 2, 3.
  6. Singular i plural del substantiu: To Learn. Exercise 1, 2, 3.
  7. Possessius: (To Learn) adjectius (Exercise 1 2, 3) i pronoms (Exercise 1, 2, 3). Genitiu saxó (Exercise 1 2 3).
  8. Imperatius.
  9. There is/ there are (Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4). Quantifiers (To Learn some/ any, some / any 1, some/any 2, how much/how many 1, how much/how many 2), Countable/Uncountable nouns (Exercise 1, 2)
  10. Present simple. Adverbis de freqüència.(Present simple 1, 2, negative 3, interrogative 4, habits and routines 5, uses 6)
  11. Present Continu. Present continu en contrast amb el present simple. Expressions temporals: now, today, etc (Present Continuous 1, 2, 3, uses 4, Contrast simple / continuous 1, 2)
  12. The Past: Passat simple de be (Exercise 1, 2). There was/ were (Exercise 1). Passat simple de verbs regulars i irregulars (Exercise 1, 2, negative 3, contrast 4, 5) . Adverbis i frases adverbials: yesterday, last week, etc.
  13. The future: Present continu amb valor de futur. Be going to (form, use and exercises). Adverbis i frases adverbials: tomorrow, next week, etc.
  14. Orde de paraules: adjectiu + substantiu / adjectius en posició predicativa.. Adverbis de mode. Adverbis de freqüència (Exercise 12)
  15. Connectors (and, but, or, because, first, then, finally)
  16. Preposicions de lloc: on, in, next to, behind, opposite...
  17. Preposicions de temps: To learn,  (Exercise 1, ).
  18. Modal verbs: Can (To learn, Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4). Must (To learn, Exercise 1)
  19. Adjectius qualificatius.
  20. Numerals ordinals i cardinals (Exercise 1, 2, 3, 4)
  21. Expressions temporals: hora (to learn, 1) , dia1, 2mes i data.
  22. Vocabulary:  
Animals 1, Animals 2,  Body 1
Clothing 1, Clothing  2, Shoes,  
Shops 1, Shops 2,
Food 1, Food 2, Food 3, Irish breakfast
The house, The rooms of the house 1, 2Bedroom, Living-room, Housework
Jobs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

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