lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

St Valentine's Day 2013

--> Link to Google docs
Famous Couples Project 2nd ESO

St Valentine's Day is coming! Love is in the air!

Let's learn a little bit more about love and lovers! And then let everyone know about them.

We will look for information about famous couples and then we'll write short biographies of them.


You have to create a poster with short biographies of the love couples that you choose.

The biographies must be illustrated with photographs or pictures related to the couples.

  • The teacher will form couples among the students in the class.
  • Do the activities the teacher will give you to learn how to write a short love biographies.
  • Choose the couple you're going to work with.
  • Write a short biography about the couple you have chosen.
  • Edit the poster together with the class.


1.- Get together with your partner.

2.- Do the activities the teacher will give you to write a short love biography.

3.- Choose the couple. You have some useful links at the bottom of the page.

4.- Look for information and images about your chosen couple.

5.- Write their short biography. It should include at least the following informacion

    • 1st Paragraph: Personal information:
      • Who were they?
      • Where were they from?
      • When did they live?
    • 2nd Paragraph: Love biography:
      • How did they meet?
      • Why is their love famous?
      • Did they marry?
      • Did they have children?...
      • Did they die? When? Where?....

  • Edit the poster together with your class.

Famous couples


The teacher will asses:

    • Class work (20%)
    • Punctuality in doing the activities and handing out the texts. (10%)
    • The text
        • Content: Written strategies, grammar and vocabulary. 20%
        • Presentation 10%

  • You edition of biographies (text and images) (20%)
  • Class mark on the poster (20%)

This is the text that you can use as a model and the activity that will help you do your own.
Shat Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

Shat Jahan was born in 1592 in Pakistan. He was the emperor of Persia. Mumtaz Mahal was born in1593 in Agra, India, and she was the emperor's third wife and his favourite.

They married in 1612 and had a very loving and happy marriage. They travel together all over the Empire. She had fourteen children. She died in 1631 in Agra. The Emperor was very sad. He built a beautiful mausoleum and garden to bury her, the Taj Mahal. Shat Jahan died in 1666 in Agra, India

Fill in the chart with the information from the text

When and where was he born?

When and where was she born?
Who was he?

Who was she?

Did they marry?

Did they have children?

Why is their love famous?

When and where did he die?

When and where did she die?