domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


The A2 test has got four different parts. Here there are examples of each of them from previous years:

Reading comprehension: Test 2010 (solutions).

Listening comprehension: Test 2010, audio 1, audio 2, scripts (solutions)

Writing: Test 2010

Speaking: Example Monologue, Dialogue

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011



Your classmates think that this year the student book is really boring. ‘Photostory’ characters aren’t attractive and the stories aren’t funny. It is dead boring!

You tell it to your teacher and you decide you can do it better. Now you are designing your ‘Photostory’. To do that, you have to imagine new stories that you have to narrate with dialogues and photos.

The main characters are teenagers like you and your story is about a group of teenagers that are living a funny or curious situation.

You are creating your own English book! Other students can learn English with your stories!

Tus compañeros de clase y tú pensáis que el libro de texto de Inglés de este curso es muy aburrido. Los personajes de las fotonovelas no son atractivos y las historias no son nada divertidas. ¡Un verdadero tostón!
Se lo contáis a la profesora y decidís que vosotros lo podéis hacer mucho mejor. Ahora toca diseñar y crear vuestra propia "Fotonovela". Para eso deberéis imaginar una historia que narrareis con fotos y diálogos. 
Los personajes protagonistas son adolescentes y vuestra historia debe tratar sobre un grupo de adolescentes que viven una situación curiosa o divertida. 
¡Estáis haciendo vuestro propio libro de inglés! ¡Otros alumnos pueden aprender con vuestras historias!

Use these LINKS to find:

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011


We've read a book about these famous English writers, Charlotte, Emily and Ann, and we know some more about their lives, but what about their books?

Here there are two trailers of two films from the many adaptation to the screen that have been made. After watching them, you can do some ACTIVITIES to understand better the language and the stories they tell.

Wuthering Heights (1992)

Jane Eyre (1996)

They were so famous that even SONGS have been made about their plots and characters. One of the most famous song about one of their novels is "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush in the 1980s. The video is a bit weird, but you sure recognise the song.


Everybody loves movies, but not everybody share the same tastes. So, we are going to learn about what movies our classmates like. We will learn vocabulary and expressions related to the cinema and, also, we will practice speaking in English.

Use your imagination... LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES

After doing some activities, you will have to prepare an oral presentation (between five and ten minutes) about your favourite movie with some visual aid (it can be a power point, a poster or photocopy to hand out).

  • Form couples and decide what movie you are going to present.
  • Do the activities that the teacher will give you to learn vocabulary and structures.
  • Do some research about the movie: facts, plot, pictures...
  • Prepare two paragraphs: you can divide your work but remember to revise together everything.
        • The movie
        • An introduction of a person related to the movie: an actor, actress, the director, the composer of the soundtrack...

At the end of this part you must hand in these texts to you teacher for correction. Present it in a neat formal way.

You have to present in front of your classroom the texts you have prepare.
    • Prepare the supporting material (power point, poster, photocopies).
    • Decide who is going to present what part and practice pronunciation.
    • Present your work in front of the classroom.

Remember that you will be assessed both regading content and performance (lo que dices, cómo lo dices y cómo lo presentas).To make your presentation more interesting and funny, you can add different things, like the performance of a scene or dialogue, disguises, gadgets...

You can click this links to read the instructions about the PROCESS and ASSESSMENT, and you can also download the ACTIVITIES page.